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Stronger Together: The Gospel and Unity

We’re excited to welcome Maria Garriott to speak on the gospel and unity - the topic of her new book Stronger Together.

In a world fractured by racial, ethnic, class and political division, God's people need to hang onto their unity in Christ. Jesus not only reconciles us to God but unites us in a new family. In His final prayer, Jesus asked that his followers “may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us.” (Jn. 17)

Stronger Together by Maria Garriott explores how the gospel provides the spiritual tools for racial and ethnic unity. Each chapter includes a personal essay, biblical analysis, and historical context. A Bible study offers readers an opportunity to reflect and discuss each chapter. As we experience more of the fullness of being God’s reconciled people, we know more of the fullness of God.

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September 25

How Churches Can Support Re-entry

April 2

Living and Learning: Public Health & Social Justice